Meet Your


About me

Let me introduce myself.

I am Mayela, your luxury boudoir photographer. I love capturing your essence and beauty to show you how worthy you are of self-love.

I fell into photography by accident, after meeting my husband Tyler. I joined his wedding photography business a year after we started dating and fell in love with the emotions I feel when I photograph people. They say that 93% of communication is non-verbal (look up The 7% Rule) and this is why humans are so intricate. Excitement, Love, Pain, and Joy. Photography allows me to capture and freeze these emotions using my camera. Experiencing these with my clients creates a closeness unlike any other. For that reason, some of my clients become dear friends.

I love being a photographer, but before that I am a woman, a significant other, mama, and coffee lover. I love to chit-chat over coffee (or champagne) and absolutely cannot wait to hang out with you!

What is Alma?

Alma has a couple meanings to me.

The meaning of the word ‘alma’ in Spanish translates to ‘soul.’ This word has always held strong significance in my life, so much so that it’s tattooed on my body. I believe our soul is our deepest core. Our soul is the thing that loves, hates, admires, and hurts. It is when we do this true soul work, that we will reach our highest dreams and potential.

For that, there is no better word for a boudoir experience than ‘alma.’


Have questions? Ready to book? Let’s chat!