Can Boudoir Really Change Your Life?

I was planning on writing 5 tips for self-confidence, because you know, boudoir, self- confidence, and empowerment all kind of go hand in hand. And while I was sitting there trying to write, it just wasn’t sitting with me. I was thinking of all the ways I know how to increase confidence: stop comparing myself to others, acts of self-love, thinking positively. However, the biggest one I know and that personally makes the biggest difference for me, is doing something scary, and something that after I face that scary thing, makes me proud of myself. It was then I realized, I need to talk about how impactful boudoir is and how it can change your life.


During your consult and getting ready we talk about big things. Things like body image, insecurities, and our personal stories. I may ask what parts of your body you love, and what parts are hard to love. You get to decide whether you want to work on loving those parts during this process. And if you’re not ready, I fully respect that. My wish is for you to feel safe, loved, and honored. Boudoir is an intimate type of photography, and more than getting some amazing shots, I want you to walk away feeling different than when you walked in.

Now, everyone has what I (and OPRAH) like to call their “aha” moment, at some point during their boudoir experience. Sometimes it is after hair and makeup, when they got that extra little perk to feel confident. Sometimes it is after their session, when they are SO proud of themselves for rocking that photo shoot. Sometimes it’s when I show them their images for the first time. And sometimes it’s when they touch that physical album or print in their hands. And for some it’s actually not until their significant other sees the images they put together for them, and they get that reassurance that what they did WAS amazing. Wherever that moment happens, I always notice it. And it’s not an ‘oh here I am’ thing. It comes in like a ‘BOOM.....CLICK.’ She’s changed. She realizes the power and strength she holds inside of her. She is confident and proud that she is the woman in those images. She thinks of herself differently, even if it’s ‘just a little,’ it can make a big difference. Now obviously, I SO believe in boudoir. I’ve specifically chosen to specialize in this type of photography because of how passionate I am about these transformations.

But....what do you think? Do you believe a transformation like the ones I’ve described above are possible? Can you imagine yourself feeling what those women felt? I hope you take the chance someday...and I hope I get to be there to witness it.

With Love,



Boudoir Session Spotlight - Wedding Edition - Miss M